100 GB
USD 39900.0
Data:100 GB
Validity Period:30 DAY
- 安提瓜和巴布达
- 安圭拉
- 阿根廷
- 阿鲁巴
- 玻利维亚
- 巴西
- 智利
- 哥伦比亚
- 哥斯达黎加
- 库拉索岛
- 多米尼加
- 厄瓜多尔
- 格林纳达
- 瓜德罗普
- 危地马拉
- 圭亚那
- 海地
- 牙买加
- 开曼群岛
- 圣马丁(法国)
- 马提尼克
- 墨西哥
- 尼加拉瓜
- 巴拿马
- 秘鲁
- 波多黎各
- 巴拉圭
- 苏里南
- 萨尔瓦多
- 特克斯和凯科斯群岛
- 特立尼达和多巴哥
- 乌拉圭
- 圣文森特和格林纳丁斯
- 委内瑞拉
- 英属维尔京群岛
1.Activate Method: This data package will be automatically activated once you start the device at the usable destination. You are reminded to make sure the destination arrival day should be within 90 days after ordering, otherwise it will expire with no refund.
2.Validity: This data package will be valid for 7 x 24 hours after activation.
3.Priority: This data package has lower priority than unlimited data package. You can use this data package after exceeding the high-speed data quota of the unlimited data package. The usage priority will be based on purchase date for the same type of package, i.e., the package with the earliest purchase date will be used up first, while the priority of single-region package is higher than regional package. In addition, you can also manually adjust the priority in the mobile APP.
4.Cancellation: The unactivated package can be fully refunded to your account balance within 90 days. However, all vouchers and promotion coupons are not refundable.